Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Clearance delay=Please Pray UPDATE

Ok so I spoke to Fed Ex and they are wanting to know EXACTLY what's in the we have 8 dolls and 10 trucks...ect. Of course we don't have that information. So we are working with FedEx to resolve this. Please pray that God steps in and pushes both shipments through.

Dear Heavenly Father,
You know who holds the key to these gifts getting to China. Please soften their hearts and allow all of the gifts to make it through. We trust you completly! We are just waiting to hear that you have shown up and shown out. In Jesus name we ask all of this!Amen!

Anyone know what those words mean when you are shipping something to China????? That is what the FedEx website said this morning....It's in Beijing but there is a clearance delay. Please pray this clears up and that the items are delivered safe and sound tomorrow.

In Christ Alone,



  1. Praying!!!! I've never seen anything like that, but I always ship USPS...and much smaller quantities.

  2. I pray over my care package and hold my breath every time I send something to China!!

    I have been praying for these gifts to make it on time.

  3. God is able...HE WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN!! Afterall, He's met all of the other needs along the way, He will not let anything hold them up now!

    "Thank you Father for your divine intervention in this situation and for getting them safely to the orphans ontime for Christmas. In Jesus' name, Amen."

    Thanks to everyone who helped out with OG in any way... we are so grateful for ALL of you!


  4. Thanks guys! I talked to Fed Ex they are working with the government in China to get it pushed through...still waiting!
